Pickup Girls at the Seven Best Places
I was the guy, glued to the wall, at all the high school dances - who ended every night, walking home alone.
BUT NO LONGER! I have an overflowing dating calendar at college now, with more girls wanting to go out with me than I can possibly find time for! (Thanks to my bachelor dating guide exploits - more on that later.)
I had to learn a lot, to go from dating-dork to dating-Master. But one of the first things I had to learn, was where to pickup girls. The kinda scene with lots of women, where it’s easy to pick them up - and they’re all hot!
Here’s a quick summary of 7 of the best places I’ve found, to pickup girls. Let’s start with the most common...
#7: Bars & Nightclubs
Yeah, I know you’ve tried them. And I agree, they’re not the easiest place to try to do pickups. But they’re fun, packed with babes, and you can pickup more than one per night - if you know how.
So what if I told you a way to get THEM to start the conversation? And even more, make it look like SHE’s trying to pick YOU up?? Yeah, that’d be sweet...!
The Key: Choose your spot.
Checkout your favorite spot, before the night you “operate”. Then get there, before it gets busy. Pick the busiest spot near the bar, and plant your feet there - permanently!
Women will bump into you, touch you, even crush you - all night! And when she’s leaning over you, trying to order her drink - you’ll get the perfect chance for an opener. Even better, SHE will be the one with the opening line (“Excuse me”, “Can I get through for a moment?”, “Can you order for me?”...)
You can even accuse her of being too “forward”! (With a sly smile, of course...)
#6: The Mega-Mall
Any big shopping area will do, but I like those fully-enclosed monster buildings, with tons of stores. Women love to shop.
The Key: Choose your time.
Do your research beforehand. Try different times, different days, weekdays & weekends. I was shocked to see the difference that can make and strangely, the times with the MOST women, weren’t the times with the BEST looking women. So pick the time/days, with the kinda girls you like best.
Ok, so you’re in the Mall, lookin’ for hot babes. But in which Mall stores, are the best pickin’s?
To learn how *I* went from dating-dork to dating-MASTER - checkout my post called Getting HOT Girls! (should be above this, if not then click: Bachelor Dating Guide Exploit ) After you read that, go to his page to see what HE says (you'll learn a lot just reading his samples)... Dating & Pickup Success
Bachelor dating guide exploit