Bachelor Dating Guide ExploitThe Seven Best Places to Pickup Girls
I’ve come a long way since my “wallflower” days and have an incredible college social life - and more girls than I know what to do with! (Thanks to my bachelor dating guide exploits - more on that later.)
#5: Fragrance Stores
If you don’t know what these are, take a sniff of the air - you’ll find them! These are the places that sell bath oils, shower gels, body lotions - all in cute little pre-packaged assortments, with a ton of different fragrances all with cute sounding names. Women can’t get enough of this stuff.
#4: Franchise Coffee Shops
Personally, I think it’s kinda dumb to frequent a shop that just sells coffee. Isn’t that what donut shops are for? But after a long, “tough” day of shopping, women love to drop all their bags and relax with a coffee/tea. They’re bored, they’re tired, and they’d just love some company. Try asking her if her shopping “war” was successful - then be prepared to spend the next hour reviewing her “captives”.
#3: Franchise Bookstores
Franchise Bookstores: Any bookstore works, but the big franchises attract women like a magnet (think Barnes & Noble). Especially on “dating nights” and weekends, when a women who doesn’t have a date that week, can easily occupy herself for an entire evening, book-browsing.
The Key: Choose your books.
Once again, do your research beforehand. In every section that women frequent, pick one book (preferably a new best-seller), and get familiar with it.
Then, when you’re ready to cruise the bookstore aisles and you see a girl you’d like to know better - you’ve got something to talk about, that you know she’ll be interested in. In most cases, all you have to do is ask her if she’s read that particular book, and she’ll do all the talking! If she has, you just listen as she gives her opinion (women love doing that!); if she hasn’t, you can do your gentlemanly “duty” and fill her in about it.
There are 5 great locations for you (so far), for picking up women. But there are even better places for pickups - where the hottest girls go!
#2: Clothing Stores
In a mall, or stand-alone, these qualify as the 2nd best type of store to pickup girls in! Women who are hot, spend a ton of time shopping for clothes - it’s an “essential” if you want to be a girl who ranks at the top of the “looks list”.
And unlike bookstores, you don’t even have to “study” in advance. As long as you know a bit about the “latest” in women’s fashions, you’re good to go. (Study some women’s fashion magazines, if need be.)
“But how do I approach a woman... in a women’s clothing store?”, you ask. Easy!
You’re there, looking for a gift for your sister (or your cousin, or your niece - someone around her age). And “poor you” - you just have no idea what to get.
Do you think that maybe, that cute girl you just walked up to, could help you find the right gift?
#1: Health Food Stores
No guy seems to know about this one. I’m not surprised - I never knew about it myself. I just found it by accident.
For some reason, health food stores have some of the best looking women as customers. Maybe it’s because good-looking girls want to take care of their looks, and so follow a natural, healthy diet. I dunno.
But if you’ve got a place near you, that sells “healthy” foods, or diet-specialty foods, or “natural” foods - you can bet there will be great-looking women going there. Try the after-work rush.
There’s the 7 best, easy-to-find, easy-to-use, pickup locations. But there are more places you need to know about. Plus once you find her, you have to know HOW to pick her up.
To learn how *I* went from dating-dork to dating-MASTER - checkout my post called Getting HOT Girls! (should be above this, if not then click: Bachelor Dating Guide Exploit ) After you read that, go to his page to see what HE says (you'll learn a lot just reading his samples)... Dating & Pickup Success
Bachelor dating guide exploit