The 3 Things In This Course - That Turned Me Into “SEDUCTION SUPERMAN”!
That’s what one of my buddies called me, after he saw me “perform” over a weekend. “Seduction Superman”. 23 pickups. 23 girls’ contact details. 23 hot girls to pick from. One Weekend. “Seduction Superman”. Done.
So how do YOU become a Seduction Superman? Hey, there’s a lot of things you gotta learn, man! That’s what almost stopped me, it can get a bit overwhelming, when I saw the SIZE of this Course!
But this pickup expert wanted to cover it all. Just remember to take it one step at a time. And in no time, you’ll be picking up hot girls as fast as me!! :-)
There’s just too much you are gonna learn from this Course, to list it all here. But here are the “Big 3”. The ones that SKYROCKET YOU to becoming a real “Seduction Superman”.
1. SEVEN easy ways to approach women.
This is Big. One way just doesn’t cut it. That great approach you use in the mall, doesn’t work when you’re at the beach. And that “no-fail” beach pickup, just doesn’t cut it when you see that Hot Bod shakin her stuff on the dance floor.
And what about that Hottie, out with her friends? (Man! I remember I used to think there was NO WAY any guy could approach a Group of girls, and pick out the one you want. Now I do it all the time, without even thinking!!)
2. The 8 bonus manuals. (Yes, EIGHT!)
-Overcoming shyness (I really needed this one, when I was just getting started)
-Kissing techniques (YOU need this one, if you want to become “Seduction Superman”)
-Guide to Female Orgasm (Man! I could never find that “G-spot”, and I didn’t even know there was such a thing as an “A-spot”!!)
-Online dating (You will find some REALLY cool stuff in this one)
-and more of them, even a “Personal Consultation”!
3. The AWESOME Audio Course: The Art of Impressing Women
If you want to pickup 2-3 hot girls every week, study the Course. But if you want to pickup *23* Hot Girls in a single weekend, listen to this Audio. Three times. At least. And take notes. Really, don’t miss a thing (read more...)
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