Getting HOT Girls!
In high school I settled for whatever few girls I could get, now in college I have so many girls to choose from I only date the hot ones!
At first I thought it wouldn’t be that good cause I tried the free 6-part e-course first (which was a waste of time, don’t bother with it, just get the REAL course). I was desperate so I bought the real course (and with the money-back guarantee I wasn’t risking anything). Man! Is it great!!
Then there’s the 8 bonus manuals. (Yes, EIGHT!) And I got the additional audio course (Art of Impressing Women) and it really makes you into a MASTER pickup artist!
All these course materials combined really do make you “Irresistible to Women” and they cover everything you need to know about (read more...)
Bachelor dating guide exploit
I have had so much pleasure since using the stuff in this book. Thanks for recommeding it!
I have never been good with women. Read your articles, they're great. Then read his webpage. I was really curious to see if he could deliver and make a guy like me a big success with women.
Well I just finished up a week where I had a date with a different girl every one of the 7 nights!!!
Question Answered! :)
I bought this "training package" about a month ago. Couldn't put the bloody thing down - it was that good!
Now, all the blokes at work ask me why the women are suddenly treating me like Royalty.
Dropped by the Pub with my latest "catch" the other day - every other bloke was seething with envy! (Can't say that I blame them - she was a real Stunner!!)
Every Man should have a copy of this!! Just keep it on your side of the "pond" - I'm enjoying not having ANY competition for all the local women... [wink]
Ok, now this is scary...
1. I read your experiences on this blog, bought the entire package (including your recommendation of his add-on item).
2. I was surprised to find so much information for an "older gentlemen" (such as myself), who wants to pickup younger women.
3. I work in a large office environment (COO - large Call Centre), so there are lots of young females, so I thought I'd try out some of Mr. Irresistable's suggested methods there.
4. Bad move - DO NOT try this at work! I have women of ALL ages (from my age, down to *late teens*!), who are now "on my plate".
Which also means I am now the number one source of "office rumours" at my workplace - as I said, do not try this at work!!
5. On the bright side, my social life outside of work, is on "overdrive"! I have to set a strict "minimum age requirement" - otherwise I could get in trouble with the law.
Thank you for your honest recommendation, Paul. You have changed my life greatly, for the better.
Yours Sincerely;
Hey guy, the course is fantastic, but I had a problem. I also got the extra course on how to really impress women, but I couldn't find it!
I finally figured out, it's an audio course. I figured it was one of the tons of bonus books he includes with the main course!
You should make clear (or he should), that tripling your dates by impressing women, is an AUDIO course...
Hello Paul,
I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Brito recently, (the Pickup Expert who penned the Irresistible To Women course you recommend here).
The interview was for a nationally syndicated article I wrote and during this interview, we discussed his new "advanced course" - The Mastery Series.
As you no doubt are aware, the original course has provided thousands of men with phenomenal improvements in their success with women.
But what you may not know is that the author has received thousands of requests, for a "part two", higher-level training, in approaching, dating and seduction.
To be brief, the Mastery Series includes:
-a SEVEN-stage, step by step, training process
-about a DOZEN interviews with other, highly successful, Pickup Experts
-advanced techniques, ranging from how to become a true "alpha male", to seducing a woman you just met in MINUTES, and everything in between
Given how much success you and your readers have had with his original course, I thought you might like to check out his new, advanced series.
The words of advice James gives in his course, have helped me with my life more than anything else *ever*.
I have gone from getting a date with maybe one average looking girl every 4 months, to getting 7 or 8 dates from very beautiful women in less than 2 weeks.
My confidence is skyrocketing, and women I would have automatically accepted before (based on their above average looks), are now often unacceptable in one way or another (usually due to neurotic behavior).
Now I only "settle" for the best women!
Also, something bizarre happened.
I got the audio course too, the one about impressing women.
I have been using it to change my patterns like he suggests, and even people at work are noticing the difference.
I am way more successful, and get way more compliments from my boss (who is male).
I can actually notice daily improvements as I apply these principles to my life.
I REALLY needed help with this part of my life. When it comes to girls, I seemed to make MISTEAKES at EVERY step along the way.
Got the COMPLETE package - EVERYTHING he offers. It works TOO FAST!
I started doing some of his techniques AS SOON as I started reading. They worked like MAGIC - but then I didn’t know what the NEXT STEP was so I couldn’t keep going. Then I read some more and tried out the NEW stuff and sure enough, I would go FURTHER with the girl - but then again I didn’t know what the NEXT STEP was. I finally stopped putting myself through this torture and read EVERYTHING. (Some of it twice.)
Now I can take a girl I’ve NEVER MET and go from talking to her for the FIRST TIME, all the way to the BEDROOM. James should tell his readers to read everything FIRST, before they try any of it...
Paul my man,
I got ALL of Brito's books a while ago and when I finished reading his books I had to laugh because I discovered years ago that what he says really works. It was my buddy (a real natural with women) that told me how to drive 'em wild. I didn’t understand WHY his advice worked, but the dude always had a good looking woman on his arm so I followed his advice anyway. When I finished reading Brito's stuff, THEN I understood WHY it works!
How many men have said that you can't pick up women in a topless bar? I did it ALL the time using Brito’s secrets, and rarely spent any more money than on drinks for myself. I had to laugh watching the other guys feeding the girls dollar bills and getting no where. I'm just an average looking guy, but the honies went for it like mad.
You are on the mark and anyone that has problems meeting women should read all of Brito’s stuff.
Wow! I didn’t even realize how I was screwing up everything every time I went out on a date. I had no clue!
This course showed me the 2 *big* mistakes I was making every time. Now that I don’t make those mistakes, everything goes smoothly every time.
Good article keep posting this type of articles..............
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